API modeling
API Academy
JSON for linked documents
"@context": {
"displayName": "https://schema.org/name",
"profileImage": {
"@id": "https://schema.org/image",
"@type": "@id"
"friends": {
"@container": "@set"
"displayName": "John Doe",
"friends": [
"@id": "https://my.api/gamer/123456"
info can be delivered separately.
JSON-LD Simplified
JSON for linked documents
"@context": {
"displayName": "https://schema.org/name",
"profileImage": {
"@id": "https://schema.org/image",
"@type": "@id"
"friends": {
"@container": "@set"
"displayName": "John Doe",
"friends": "https://my.api/gamer/1337/friends"
JSON-LD Extended (HYDRA)
HAL: Hypertext Application Language
key/value pairs describing current state of resource
Links to actions/extra info
At least self
Embedded resources
Link URL transformations, e.g. for documentation of resources
Collection + JSON
Collection, Links, Templates, Queries
Geared towards representing collections.
"version": "1.0",
"href": "http://...",
"collection": {
"items": [
"data": {},
"links": {}
W3C linked data platform
Spec around 12 pages.
- Use URIs as names for things
- Use HTTP URLs so that they can be looked up
- Provide useful info at the URL
- Include links to other URIs
LDP resources (LDPR)
HTTP and RDF to read and write linked data.
Resources can be created, modified, deleted and read using standard HTTP verbs (POST, PUT/PATCH, DELETE, GET).
Cover RDF sources as well as binary resources. Binary resources have RDF resource with metadata.
Clients use Optimistic Collision Detecion on update (etags).
LDP containers (LDPC)
An LDPR to which you POST to create new things, GET to find existing things.
Three flavors: Basic, Direct, Indirect.
LDP paging
Redirects to first page of collection if too-small limit is requested.
Tabulator by Tim Berners-Lee.
Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration
Based on LDP.
"API Craft" Google group
{"API": "101"}
by Kin Lane, API Evangelist
RESTful Web Services Cookbook by Subbu Allamaraju
APIgee ebooks
"Data is the new bacon"