Node 4 ES6 goodies
Patrick Mueller
V8 4.5 (same as Chrome 45).
Template strings
x = 'World'
y = 'Hello'
`${y}, ${x}`;
const p = LinePoster();
class Animal {
constructor(name) {}
species() {}
speak() {}
class Frog extends Animal {
species() {
return "Frog";
speak () {
isn't yet optimized, so should be avoided in hot paths.
Arrow functions
const foo () => console.log("in foo")
Don't need to use bind
D3: Data-Driven Documents
John W. Long
Eases creating functions to map data to coordinates. Helper for creating SVG lines.
D3 widgets
Built number line widget with number pad.
Hot module replacement
Nate Hunzaker
Terrain generation using Perlin noise (created for Tron).
Patch changes into code running in browser.
if ( {'./colorTable', function () {
Can be used for React stores with Redux.
Adam Haile
Fast reactive programming in JavaScript.
Manually change subscriptions are redundant, inefficient (diamond problem), inconsistent. Double links in code graph prevent GC.
Reactive programming treats change as a foundational principle.
- Spreadsheets
- React + MObservable
- Elm
Reactive components
- Data type for a value that changes over time, signal or cell.
- Data type for a "live" function. Behaviour, formula, computation, task.
- System that keeps the above glued together.
ClojureScript for JavaScripters
Clojure LISP compiling to JavaScript.
Homoiconicity: treat code as data. Macros.
(+ 1 1)
(partition-by odd? '(1 1 1 2 2 3 3))
All usual data structures are immutable. Simplicity, predictability, performance. Immutable.js
Google Closure Tools. Libraries, including jQuery. Dependency management, become namespaces. Minification, including dead code removal.
Transcribing YouTube videos
Aaron Snitzer
Annotate and playback subtitles for (almost) any YouTube video.
For accessibility, internationalization. Improves searchability.
Ben McCormick
ES6 classes only for methods, no properties. Can't set properties in
constructor before calling super()
Decorators proposed for ES2016. Allow customization of classes and functions at class creation.
class MyClass {}
function isTestable(value) {
return function decorator(target) {
target.isTestable = value;
class C {
method() { }
function enumerable(value) {
return function (target, name, descriptor) {
descriptor.enumerable = value;
Function decorators modify method before it is added to class rather than being called each time decorated function is called.
Usable in TypeScript, in Babel with experimental flag.
Used in Angular 2, Aurelia.
Plans for using in Ember and React.
Dynamically adding console logging
Kip Streithorst
Add conditional breakpoint with the log statement as the condition.
Can also be used to modify variables using conditions like:
void(response.status = 401)